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Complimentary Locator Service!

Need to find a vehicle, but dont see it in the local inventory? No worrie's. We will find it for you!

HOW DOES IT WORK? Simply e-mail me the YEAR & MODEL of what you're looking for and I will have our team find it ASAP!

Just because we may not have the Ford vehicle you're looking for, doesnt mean it's not available. Typically within 24-48 hours we can have the EXACT car you're looking for ON OUR LOT!

The more information the better. Here are some common items that you may want to research:

  • Color (Multiple choices are better)
  • Trim Level (SE, SEL, Limited, etc.)
  • Pep Package (401A, 402A, etc...)
  • Options (Moonroof, Navigation, Engine Size, Trans. Preference)
  • FWD or AWD or 4x4

Click here to e-mail us now!